Name change from Soul Lightening to Insight Acupressure ⚡💖✨

aminah raheem clinical acupressure insight acupressure insight acupressure faculty alliance process acupressure soul lightening Mar 26, 2024

As of 12-31-23, the 501c3 non-profit organization

Soul Lightening International dissolved.

Aminah Raheem's work continues under a new name as Insight Acupressure.

As many of you are already aware, the beautiful work of Soul Lightening Acupressure, developed by originator Dr. Aminah Raheem, outgrew the limits of the Soul Lightening International (SLI) non-profit business structure. Over a several year period, the SLI Board conducted a comprehensive assessment of the organizational structure and business model. This revealed that the SLI non-profit organization was no longer sustainable. 


Following many clear signals, as this work teaches us to do, the SLI Board of Directors unanimously approved a proposal in late spring 2023 that “Soul Lightening International as a non-profit corporation be dissolved no later than December 31, 2023, in accordance with the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of Soul Lightening International.” 


During this period of transition, the Faculty and Board worked together to facilitate the next phase of delivering Soul Lightening Acupressure (SLA) into the world. Because of legalities, the name "Soul Lightening" was considered intellectual property of the SLI organization. The lawyers informed the Board that we would no longer be able to use the name "Soul Lightening" when the organization closed, because of trademark laws. Following Aminah's death in October 2023 and the realization that Aminah's heirs owned the intellectual property for her work, the current faculty arranged to have individual contracts directly with Aminah's heirs to continue teaching her intellectual property under a new name.


We all agree that Aminah's work and the bonds that have joined our community together will continue beyond the dissolution of the SLI organization. The decision was made to call this work Insight Acupressure, and create a cooperative of independent teachers who would continue to teach the same curriculum under a new name. Thus, Insight Acupressure (IA) became the new name for our work instead of Soul Lightening. Aminah and her family were in alignment with this decision.


 New Name, Same Educational Program

Insight Acupressure is the new name representing Aminah Raheem's work.

The dedicated faculty group, who have been teaching, studying and practicing Aminah's work for many decades are now called the Insight Acupressure Faculty Alliance (IAFA). Over the past months, since Aminah's passing, we have been collaborating closely and we unanimously decided that this new name strongly represents the work we all love so much.


Even though it became necessary to change our organizational structure and our name, you will find that the content and the spirit of all the courses Aminah developed will remain intact. You can expect the complete curriculum to be available in 2024, plus some new exciting options in the spirit of our work such as Cathy Miller's Acupressure for Acupuncturists and Sue Lovett's Seva Yoga program.


Many of you asked how you can support our continuing work and honor Aminah Raheem's legacy. You can invest in helping us spread the word about this powerful work by sharing your own experiences with others about Clinical Acupressure, Process Acupressure, Seva Stress Release, Good Points Self-Care and Acupressure for Anyone. You can also encourage people to consider taking one of our classes.


We also welcome you supporting our website by purchasing an hour of time ($50 USD) for Rosane Pires, our Virtual Assistant at (Note:This is not tax deductible.) Please indicate your investment goes towards upkeep of the Insight Acupressure website. Thank you for your support of our website, which preserves the history and a record of certified practitioners trained in this work. If your listing needs to be updated, please contact us with the updated information.


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